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EDF450S Practicum in School Counseling

This introductory onsite practicum experience in a school setting develops and improves counseling skills with clients and groups and observes the action of social systems in a real-world environment. Students work at the site, record counseling sessions, receive individual and group supervision, and attend a weekly university class. Practicum in school counseling is a prerequisite to all other masters-level internships.

Credits: 3
Offered: Spring
Offered Online: No terms identified
Modes: In-Person
Prerequisites: [EDU450, EDU457S. EDU460S can be taken concurrently or can have been taken before]
Restrictions: Enrollment limited to matriculated master’s degree candidates in the school counseling or community mental health program.
EDF 450S Practicum in School Counseling course information is subject to change, please check the latest schedule.


Spring 2025 (1/21/2025 - 5/11/2025)
Open (4/20) 20%
Lechase Room 481
Thursday (7:35 PM-10:15 PM)
Nancy Gearhart
Eligibility Rule: Pre-requisite: Successful completion of EDU 450 and EDU 457 or EDU 457S. Co-Requisiste: Concurrent enrollment f successful completion of EDU
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